Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sheep Behavior

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Problem with the Chinese Language

1) Crystalization.
2) Focus.
3) Situational context.
4) Cultural context.

Themes and principles in the Gospel.

1) Identity of Yeshua as Christ and the Son of God.
2) The acts of the Holy Ghost by the commandment of God the Father through Yeshua as the fulfillment of the OT prophecies.
3) Faith in Christ (think about the centurion, those sought for forgiveness and healing), and the honor for the Prophet (Mary who washed His feet with tears).
4) Christ working out redemption, perfectly keeping the law of God and passively submitted to the penalty of the cross.

*Matthew 11- The identity of Christ through the testimony of John and His works. Hence the grave responsibility of repenting. The sovereignty of God in this matter.
*Matthew 12- doing well in Sabbath, the meek servant Christ healing the multitude, the Pharisee blaspheming the Holy Ghost, the sign of Jonas, and the brethren of Christ.

Parables of Christ.

1) Fulfills the prophesy concerning Christ.
2) The sovereignty of God in hiding truths from those whom He would not convert or forgive.

1) Sower, the 4 grounds: preparatory work, retention of the Word of God (both doctrine & effects), obedience to bring forth fruit, endurance unto the end.
2) Pearl of Great Price: know the value of the Gospel, & Christ; whole-hearted forsaking of all
3) Sheep and Goat, Tare and Wheat: the church is a mixed multitude; come out from the camp of the enemy!
4) Invitation to the King's wedding feast, and the man without a garment: make sure I am imputed with the righteousness of Christ
5) 10 virgins: make sure I have the Residence of the Holy Ghost in me, keeping watch and keeping my garments.
6) Prodigal son, lost silver, lost sheep: love of Christ, and His love in His servants, return unto God!
7) Good Samaritan.
8) The mustard seed.
9) Old and new wine, or, old and new patch of clothing.
10) Faithful and riotous servant.
11) Profitable and unprofitable servant, or. Talents.
12) Of the wicked husbandmen who murdered the servants of God.
13) Fishes, good and bad, caught in the net.
14) Wise and foolish builder.
15) Unjust steward.
16) Unjust judge: importunity to plead with God for salvation!
17) Barren fig tree.
18) Rich man and Lazarus.
19) Casting of the seed, growing forth the blade, ear and full corn (Mark 4:26-)
20) Lamp under the bushel.
21) Rich fool.
22) The friend who persistently knocked at night.
23) Strong man of the house, over his goods.
24) Counting the cost to build the tower, or prior to war.
25) The two sons.
26) The prayers of the Pharisee and the publican.
27) Choosing the low places in a wedding feast (Luke 14:7-)
28) The two debtors, the unforgiving servant.
29) Selling all tombuy the hid treasure in the field.
30) The leavened three measures of meal.